"River of God, river of God
Pour your waters over me.
Like a deep cleansing flood,
from the throne of God
Pour Your Spirit over me"
for i need Your strength Lord...
its the 2nd week of year 3.. and am already mentally drained. Need that time of refreshing.
okay, i'll talk about yesterday.. i'm helping out in children's church by worship leading once a month and i forgot that it was my turn to lead yesterday.. =( somehow i thought that yday was the third sunday of the month and next week's my turn. Anyhow, rushed to get the songs.
(This has happened before, there was a lil' misunderstanding with the roster once, and although it wasn't my turn, the teachers thought it was me worship leading and no one else came prepared. Was downstairs in the main service when Manda walked to me and told me that i have to worship lead. Was a lil' hurt, im not sure why. i think it was particularly because tho' wasn't my turn, it seemed like i forgot about my "duty", i somehow felt irresponsible, and im not used to being told to lead straightaway without being given time to prepare for it, choosing the songs, preparing myself...
I still rushed to prepare the songs anyway and still carried on to sing and lead the children. But came back down to the main service discouraged and still hurt after that. I guess that the hurt was written all over my face because when my dad saw me he asked me what had happened and i started tearing. He brought me outside and after listening dad held me and told me that as a worship leader i should be ready in season and out of season. To be prepared to be asked suddenly to lead, and that when it happens i should choose songs that is already placed in my heart, songs that im singing inside of me..and that i shoudn't blame myself or see it as being irresponsible. He then said that he's glad that it happened because it did make me lean on Him, and not on my own strength, trusting God for the songs for that time, that hour..)
Back to yday, thank God for Chris who can play the keys by ear, so i dont have to rush to search for the scores and for Serene who helped me w the ppt, thank you both =) Anyway, the reason why im writing all this is although the preparation time was short, although i chose the songs in a rush, God still moved greatly, among the kids. The past months whenever i worship lead, i see the kids not responding, not singing, not worshipping and that can be discouraging, sometimes when i sing in front of them i feel like me and the youth serving with me are the YOUNG ones, not them..But yday we saw them responding.There was a handful who were singing with all their strengths, raising their hands.And that, was heartwarming & encouraging. *Thank You Lord"
1 Timothy 4:12: " Let no one despise your youth........"
- not to young to be used by Him =)
"God is moving, God is moving.
Can you hear the sound of revival..."
had a fun time in school today, particularly during lab lesson. YES put a bunch of crappy people together and it all adds up to fun, fun, fun. We can even make the most boring of all lessons into something enjoyable, i know i've never said it, and i know that i don't spend alot of time with them, but i love my class, indeed i do.. =)
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