Monday, May 7, 2007

Before Your throne I long to be
Angels bow down before Your throne
my resting place
Your presence precious One
It makes me whole

Before Your throne, oh precious One
Before Your dwelling place, dreams come to pass
Into Your dwelling place I long to come
face down before Your throne

Before Your throne I long to be
In Your presence Lord
Before Your throne I long to come, to You"

I had this song in my heart yesterday, an old song, but beautiful. Maybe it's a reminder to me, that i need to come back, i've got to stop relying on my own strength, been very distracted the past weeks. It's in His presence, where I'll find my rest and my strength. It's in His presence I'll find my peace, my joy. It's in His presence that I'll feel whole again.
And i need to feel whole again. I need rest. Bogged down by life - living for the sake of living, going thru' the motion of life for it's sake.Like a zombie.
I want inner contentment. Joy. Peace. Where else can i find all this, where else can i find the answers to the questions in my heart, other than in His presence.

Before Your throne, I long to come. To You.

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