Saturday, June 2, 2007

This is an old song, we don't sing it in youth, but some old songs are beautiful, ministering.
Another song in my heart, that i'm singing, right now. Really, God is amazing, because in times when im down/weak/tired.
Which I am, i may hide it behind smiles. I can be good at hiding my feelings.
Preety much like the Thais.
But i am tired, stressed for that matter.
He reminds me of His strength, that i should surrender whatever things that are weighing me down, thru' songs.

Not very sure of the words, so if there's a mistake, correct me for those who know. =)

"Breathe upon me, breath of God
Breathe upon me, Spirit of the Lord
As i lift my hands in surrender to Your Name, Most High
I'm yielding to Your Spirit
I'm walking in Your love
Jesus, i adore
Jesus, i adore
Jesus, i adore, Your Holy Name"

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