Can't wait to go back there, i got to wait till next year maybe, or the year after next.
So, our flight from Spore was at midnight, and since it's budget airlines, the seats are SO not comfortable. I tried sleeping but could never find the perfect comfortable position. Reached Iloilo at about 9am. Did little shopping in the evening before we "retired" to the hotel (bought 2 shades - so cheap! In total i bought 3 shades from there)
The Medical Missions at Maliao was great too. I helped in taking the blood pressures, haha, the kids kept coming to me. The problem was that their arms are too small for the BP cuff, so i could not read their BPs very well.
Maliao is a mountainous area, thus it was nice staying there. It's so hot there in Philippines, since summer is starting, it's nice being up in the mountains 'cos of the breeze. (They don't have winter actually. Pearl asked Mai, a youth, when was the coldest period in Philippines, she'd rather come then, to which Mai replied "the coldest season is when it's raining. Right.)
After we were done with our "duties", we slacked awhile. Till' Gie asked if i wanna join her and Johnny out for a walk. Yea, a walk indeed.
WE CLIMBED A MOUNTAIN! in slippers! haha.
a steep steep steep one at that. (those who went to Maliao in 2002 and climbed that mountain - it's nothing compared to the mountain i climb this time round!! i was struggling and panting, had to stop to rest for awhile in between! This Mai and Noel climbed until so high up la!)
We were walking up a hill when we heard people shouting at us, turned and saw Mai and Noel sitting quite high up a mountain, and since Johnny stays there, he quickly motioned to the 2 of us to climb up since he knows the route.
I stood at the foot for quite some time, telling the two of them "Okay, going up, i don't mind, still can. But how about ccoming back down?! I'm sooo gonna roll down later"
Johnny had to literally carry me up at some parts.. other parts i was crawling, grabbing whatever i can grab to pull myself up. But the view and the wind was great. The five of us sat there for quite some time soaking in the view from where we sat (tho' most of the time i was worrying about going back down)..them talking and crapping in Ilonggo and me trying hard to piece the words together. I forgot to take my hp with me, so couldn't snap any pictures.
Thank God Johnny knew another route to get down. (: haha, and his a real gentleman, always offering his hand during the difficult parts.
The camp was equally great too.No words can describe the fun I had there. I love the kids. I love dancing with them. I love being around the youth, catching up with some. I love waking up, walking out of my room and being greeted with friendly smiles and a "Goodmorning She!"
I love being with the cousins during the camp. I love the food the cooks made for us. I love playing with all the babies.
I loved the time when the jeepney broke down to and we were stranded on the coastal road back to the campsite. (tho' i think that was the place where i got that nasty insect bite).
I love going back to my Lolo's house. I love the way the younger cousins hug me and stay around me. I love the care and the love the family gave me, especially since my foot was hurting from the sickening insect bite.
I love staying at the slum area Dad usually stays at, 'cos it brings me closer to my friends.
I loved every single minute and moment of the trip.
And i miss everyone there, terribly.
Maliao (day 1 and 2): 

(you see the man above in the tree, Winston.. or is it Willson...climbed it to pluck soursops for us =p)
Medical Missions:
the cute lil' baby who's mum was doing her checkup
Dad said he was calling us for a long time to join the team in this picture. But Auntie Pegs and Pearlyn were resting talking to the youth, and i was up in the mountain soaking in the view.
I'll continue uploading the rest of the pictures another day.
Oh, and i grew darker.
And for more of our day to day basis of information/posts on the trip and if you want to know how "we lived our lives very simply in Philippines".. refer to Pearlyn's blog (:
She has all the details - the funny ones too that i can't stop laughing about.
Like the people there calling my dad and spelling his name as "KA-LIP" instead of "CALEB". (: haha.