This was during Day 3 of the camp, Saturday, the VIP team wanted to go to the city to shop, so we followed along. After the short shopping trip, the team had to go to the plaza where they were going to perform their concert to practice, and it was a good thing they did not take the jeepney 'cos they would have been running out of time if so. As it is, we already extended the shopping trip and they were a lil' late.
Our jeepney broke down along the way to the campsite, but we - the few of us Singaporeans: Unc Bala, Pearl, Unc Teck Tham and Unc Mike together with some of the Filipinos - Tita Lourdes, Tita Esther, Tita An, Ps Elmer, or as Pearl spells his name, Ps ELMA(:, Manong Jong, Manong Je ("Manong" meaning "big brother") and the driver who has a knack for driving extremely fast, enjoyed ourselves in a way during that 35 mins wait.
We came out from the jeepney, I took a couple of pictures, actually Unc Teck Tham was the one who told me to take pictures, he went "Okay, go down la. Take pictures of us being stranded with your phone!" haha, 'cos they knew i was already taking pictures along the way, and since Manong Jong and Je were sitting on the grass, i went to sat there too. I suppose that was where i got the horrid insect bite.

Help, of course came, Unc Bala called Dad and Dad got another jeepney to come fetch us. It was interesting to see how they used normal strings or whatever they could find to tie both jeepneys together. The strings snapped about 2 times i think.. It was a good thing we left the broken down jeepney at a workshop, which thank God, was along the way. I can't imagine seeing the jeepney being dragged along the bumpy road turning into the campsite. It would be horrible.I'd probably be squealing each time the jeepney looked like it was going to fall into the sides of the road.
Anyway, the insect bite i had resulted into this. My feet started swelling a little bit at night. But it got alot worse when i reached Lolo's place on Sunday.
Will upload pictures during the camp and the family pictures another day (:
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