To appease certain people, i shall upload the very little photos that i have of my Thailand trip. Dad saved most of the pictures in his lappy during the trip, so i'm now waiting for Dad to transfer all the photos from his lappy to the comp, and waiting for best friend who's still in chiangmai enjoying herself to send me her pics too, then i'll upload the rest (:
Above is nana teaching the kids to brush their teeth. Those yellow thing on the girl's face, (yes, the person pictured beside nana is a girl, i was fooled myself too, throughout the whole demo, i was referring to her as a "he",oh my, how embarrasing) people in Maesot puts that special kind of powder on their faces. It signifies beauty to them. So young or old, male or female, when you walk down the streets, yellowed powdered faces are a common sight.
The goody bags we gave them at the end of our presentation. The four of us (Dad, Uncle Raj, Nana and I) sat on the veranda at the guesthouse packing them.. felt like factory workers. Dad and Uncle Raj will pack the stuff, i'll fold the towels, cut the ribbons and Nana ties the plastic at the end with the ribbons.
Things inside the goody bag: a facetowel, toothbrush and toothpaste, soap, a sachet of shampoo and a little snack.
I couldn't help but think as i was packing it, that we were sending them off to bathe straight after the presentation. The kids were so happy with it though. (:
The kindergarden grades. Watching the movie "Around the world in 80 days", sure most didn't understand, but Jacky Chan's antics were good enough to make the whole hall roar with laughter!
Nana with the cute young boys. The young ones became so restless during the "boring" parts of the movie. Moving around, fidgeting, talking, laughing or fighting with each other.
I like the boy in the darker shade of blue, his got such nice deep dimples, and the boy at the corner (far right). So adorable.
The bridge between Thailand and Myanmmar. The "ocean" seperating it is so small.. it was more like a river! The gap between the two countries is nearer than the gap between Msia and Spore.
Dear Tourists! Always remember to press cutely for the cameras!!! (CutePress)
The streets of Maesot. The market is just a short distance away from the guesthouse. (okay, not that short laa)
We made friends with the waitresses working in this INDIAN restaurant! YES! there's a INDIAN RESTAURANT in Maesot! And its sooooooo cheap! OHMYGOSH!
This shows the result of not saying "ONE, TWO, THREE" when taking a picture. My dad's super funny. He went "okay, turn!!! take a picture!!" , we turned and posed for awhile, didn't see any flash coming, but nevermind, still continue to pose...then he said "I took it already lah!" Yea..Look at what he took! (:
These guys actually came up to my dad and asked him to take their photo!
He kept vomitting alot, so the "mummy-for-the-bus-trip" placed the plastic bag like that 'cos he didn't know or keep forgetting to vomit into the bag! Haha, now we know what to do with our young kids with a bad case of motion sickness next time!
The long trip (6 hours bus journey) back to Chiangmai.
More photos to come soon! (:
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