Monday, September 27, 2010

It's been a long time since I've written something here. Is there any need for updates. It's not like anyone is faithfully reading it but oh well, here goes.

Life always gets in the way.
Do we do things, get on with our schedules only 'cause we need to fulfill responsibilities, obligations, do we go through the motion of life without fully experiencing it. What are we working towards. What's our purpose in living, in breathing. Have you ever sat down and really thought about that? 2010 is almost drawing to an end, and it's insane just how fast it's going.

I'll be resigning from my job early next year and no, it's not because I do not want to be a nurse anymore. If this two and half years have taught me anything, it's that I am glad I am put in a job and a position such as this. I do not know what's next after my degree, I can only plan so much, but it's never in my hands alone.

"Your hope cannot be put in some dreamed-up future. It must be in the God who knows your past, present, and future, and loves you enough to give you the best" - Lady in waiting