Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Philippines this saturday! (:
Plan for my 10 glorious days there.

day1 Sunday-Arrival, off to the campsite (Salem Sanctuary) for daddy to "scan" the place..

day2 Monday- Go up to Maliao to prepare for the medical mission. Apparently we're gonna walk for about 2 hours. Go up to houses and asking them to come for the free medical check-up.

day3 Tuesday- Medical Missions. Apparently i'm gonna help take the blood pressures, pulses and temperatures while Auntie Peggy and Pearl help at the reception (i'd want to join them instead.. 'cos im a lazy girl). Back to the city.

day4 Wednesday- Meeting with teachers from the City Church. Shopping (maybe) while waiting for the rest of the team to arrive to Philippines. Proceed to campsite, Salem Sanctuary.

day5 Thursday- Arrival of campers from the various churches, start of the combined Summer Camp 2008.

day6 Friday- Camp.

day7 Saturday- Camp.

day8 Sunday- Camp (last day). Someone will pick me up and then i'll go to Lolo's (grandpa) house!!!! =D

day9 Monday- Lolo's house.

day10 Tuesday- Dad will come pick me up and then leave for the city.

day11 Wednesday- Flight back to Singapore.

I'm ultra happy and excited, can you tell???!!!!! (: (: (:

And this Pearlyn Seng who's gonna be my bunkmate for most of the trip. We saw a picture of our room in the campsite on Sunday and she immediately booked her bed!
Nevermind that, as long as she kept the reason to herself. She went on saying why she didn't want my bed. Because of the mirror hanging beside it, LIZARDS likes hiding behind the mirrors! Haha, thank you Pearlyn Seng, now im not gonna sleep in peace.
I'm moving my bed next to yours! i don't care!!

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