Sunday, June 22, 2008

Matthew 24

vs4: "Jesus answered: 'Watch out that no one decieves you. vs5 For many will come in my name claiming, 'I am the Christ, and will decieve many. Vs6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things will happen, but the end is still to come. vs7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. vs8 All these are beginning of birth pains."

Just few weeks back there was the earthquake in China, and late this week we hear of the typhoon striking Philippines. For the past few months we know that there is rice shortages and that prices for food are rising. Even before all these recent happenings, we know of other disasters around the world.

How long's the gap between all these?

Dad opened his sermon today with a mention that every 5 minutes a child dies of hunger.

Look at me, i get grumpy when food does not come to the table quickly, when mom cooks the same dishes for days. Look at me, i sleep comfortably, i wake up and feel secured that there's a home, a place of rest that i can come to after a long day at work, and yet sadly, take all these for granted.
Look at me, i fume like mad when Janan breaks my pencil eyeliner/eye shadow and i have to get new ones or when mom clears and changes the way i place my stuff in my room...

What are all these.. compared to those who are not able to enjoy the joys of having a family, a home, not having good food to eat, or those who cannot have pleasures like going out and enjoying time with good friends.

"Dear God, help me to be aware of the happenings around the world. Help me to look at everything with a prayerful heart. One that is not selfish or self-glorifying. My life is not my own. My life is Yours Lord. let me be a blessing to those around me and to those I'll meet. Help me to be aware that my problems, my petty wants are insignificant, compared to the hunger and the pain of the children, of families suffering in the world. Insignificant compared to the homeless.
Help me to be aware of all these things..when i eat, when i'm with my friends, when i laugh help me to be aware of the suffering that many my age, young children are going tru'. That i'll look at my life with a thankful heart and at the same time, pray for all of them. Amen "

"Hungry Already" (Alvin), "Nissan Susi" (Manda), "Tired OK" (me), "Mmmmmm!!" (Dot).
Nana did not make any "blunders" that night, bet she's thankful for that. (:

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