Saturday, December 27, 2008

it's never enough isn't it?
Always never, never enough.

on, a lighter note,
i enjoyed work yesterday. love love love my funny colleagues and the funny things they say/do never fails to crack me up .

like, when dian asked if i have a boyfriend,

d: eh! you really don't have a bf?
me: nope
d: are you sure????????!!
me: yes, i'm verrry sure i dont have a bf.
d: maybe you forgot that you have one!

and the way kuixian complained about us wasting two hours of time after work was hilarious, Two whole hours sitting down at the counter, just thinking and contemplating of which catering service we want for our year end party, falling in love with the delicious menu, calling them numerous of times, and then in the end sticking to our own KKH kitchen catering service!

work always become fun when working with great people(:

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