Saturday, August 11, 2007

well, i know i should be studying but felt like typing this down. (to get it off my chest).

Don't you think that many a times we judge people without fully understanding what they are going through? Judge them based on their reactions to us, based on just that one, particular time of them maybe blowing their tops or the way they answer us.
I'll give one example, between me and my dad.
Recently daddy has been getting moody, uptight, we had little misunderstandings the past few weeks. I got pissed with the way he viewed things. I got pissed when he was being grumpy. Just last week i told people that i didn't feel like talking to him anymore.
Something that i'm feeling so guilty for saying now.
But it's only today that it dawned upon me that daddy has many things on his mind too, work, people, relationships with his co-workers. He has to look after alot of issues at work. Probably things that already upsets him. On top of that, he has to continue being the head of the family. Making decisions, dealing and facing daily "problems" with us, his teenage kids.
I didn't take all that into consideration. When he tried telling me all this, i brushed it all aside, refused to listen due to my stubborn, childish anger. I said things that would have hurt him like a dagger into his heart, just because he got angry or picked on me.
That's just how selfish i can be.

Don't you also think that we should also be careful with our words? It doesn't hurt to be sensitive to people's feelings. Im not pinpointing any one at this moment if you're thinking that way. But it so true that we spit out words before we actually realize how impactful/hurtful those words can be.

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