Monday, December 27, 2010

"Follow your heart" Really? When our hearts are the most fickle, confused little things? God has given us brains for a reason. He gave us senses. He enabled us to think. You don't just jump into something without weighing it in. Not all the time can impulses and gut feelings be right.

Personal example. How many times has my heart told me "I am sure he is the one. Yes I'm sure he is" How many times has my heart told me, "this feels right" and yet, it's not.

Ladies, can you relate to that?

We need to use both reason and feelings. But more than that.The only way we can be sure is when we have got a divine peace. When we seek God in our decision making. Too holy for you? God is too big to involve Himself in your little life? He gave all He had for you. Doesn't that show you how much your seemingly little insignificant life mean to Him?

Pray and seek God when you're stuck in a rut. Ask for directions when you're at crossroads. In all your decision making, use all that He has given you. And until He gives you the answers, until you have got that divine peace, where you no longer are in doubt. Then go ahead. Get that job. Put your kids in that school. Migrate the whole family. Court that girl or that guy. Seal that business deal.

You'll then see that with God involved in your life, you can never go wrong. Your heart will no longer be fickle. There'll be no place for confusion.

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