Saturday, December 18, 2010

We've become so preoccupied with our own lives, so much so that the next life right beside us no longer seem as important. Some would say that before we start watching out for others, we need to look out for ourselves first. Well yeah, there's some truth in that. When then do we stop looking out just for ourselves and start thinking about others?

Someone else can be hurting more than you at one time, someone else might need that encouragement, that simple "how are you?" or that "I'm thinking of you pal" might mean the world to them.
Someone else can be hiding all that pain and hurt behind a mask, and that one minute of letting them know how much they mean to you, could save them, could lift up their spirits we won't know. Or how about that person who seems so happy all the time, we forget that they need encouragements every now and then too.

Would it kill us to love people the way we love ourselves?
Would it kill us to be as concerned for their well-being just as much as we are worry for ourselves?
Would it kill us to stop being selfish?

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